torek, 27. december 2016

What I'm reading + NOTD pt. 50

I put the book The Awakening of Miss Prim (original title El despertar de la Senorita Prim) on my reading list after reading the back cover. But while reading it I had a constant thought in my mind. The thought was What is this and do I need to read it? But I stick to it, because I rarely don't read the books till the end and also because it was on my reading list. If it wasn't maybe I wouldn’t read it.

In The Awakening of Miss Prim a young woman leaves everything behind to work as a librarian in a remote French village, where she finds her outlook on life and love challenged in every way. Prudencia Prim is a young woman of intelligence and achievement, with a deep knowledge of literature and several letters after her name. But when she accepts the post of private librarian in the village of San Ireneo de Arnois, she is unprepared for what she encounters there. Her employer, a book-loving intellectual, is dashing yet contrarian, always ready with a critique of her cherished Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott. The neighbours, too, are capable of charm and eccentricity in equal measure, determined as they are to preserve their singular little community from the modern world outside. Prudencia hoped for friendship in San Ireneo but she didn't suspect that she might find love nor that the course of her new life would run quite so rocky or would offer challenge and heartache as well as joy, discovery, and fireside debate.

You see, the description is so nice, that I thought I will love the book, but no, I didn't. I have a few problems with it. First, when is the story happening? There are computers, and cars (no sign of mobile phones tho) but the protagonist talks like she just came out from Jane Austen novel. I mean, who talks like this nowadays? Miss Prim constantly uses words like sensitiveness, virtue (might be just the Slovene translation, but we don't use words like this anymore in everyday conversations). Then she is offended by everything, she is always lifting her nose. In one of the conversation with her boss she makes a remark about the prettiness of a woman. The boss says that the woman is indeed pretty, and then she is offended, because, which man compliments another woman when he is in company of another woman. I mean, really?

Second, there we have the idyllic village of San Ireneo de Arnois where everyone can make a living just by their hobbies. All the people there left their old lives to pursue happiness without the stress of everyday lives. Well I think to myself, they must've had pretty good paying jobs to afford such luxuries. So if I sum up, I'm pretty disappointed with this book. 

The nail polish is from H&M with the name Blue My Mind. I don't think you can still get it. The formula is ok, the brush is average, but good enough for decent application. The colour is the best thing about it, I must say that it was hard to photograph because the colour in real life is darker. 

Here is another photo, it's blurry, but here you can see the true colour of the nail polish.

Have a nice day :)

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