četrtek, 28. julij 2016

What I'm reading + NOTD pt.35

Here it is, the final part of Jonathan Stange & Mr. Norrell. This third part has the title Ivan Uskglass. As you may noticed, in the Slovene publication the book is divided in three parts. Which is not a bad idea, I think. The book as a whole is quite extensive and at times not the easiest read, so it's nice to have a break every once in a while with some other book to read in between, and with the book divided in three parts it's easy to do so.

I'm glad that I managed to read it till the end, because now I can say that it is a good book. Although it has magicians in it, it is not your typical book about wizards with a lot of action and great duels. At the end there is a duel of some sort, but I believe that the supporters of action won't find this book very appealing. I, on the other hand, didn’t mind the lack of action and I think that the story nicely builds tension throughout the whole book and the ending is not very typical either. There is also some humour in the book, provided with the style of writing and not because of the funny situation.

In the third book begins a dangerous battle between Strange and Norrell which overwhelms the one between England and France. And their own obsessions and secret dabblings with the dark arts are going to cause more trouble than they can imagine.

On the nails I have jet again one of the Essence old nail polishes (Nude it!), one that wasn't many times on my nails, mainly because of the colour. I bought when the mannequin nails were a thing. This colour is a wrong colour for mannequin nails for me, but I think that this is not necessarily bad. The colour reminds me of cappuccino and it's not bad that is such a light colour because than is not so visible when it chips :) No problems with the formula, two easy coats were enough for full coverage.

Have a great day :)

sobota, 23. julij 2016

What I'm reading + NOTD pt.34

Author of Broken April (original title Prilli i thyer), Ismail Kadare, was born in 1936 in the Albanian mountain town of Girokaster near the Greek border. He is Albania's best-known poet and novelist. He established an uneasy modus vivendi with the Communist authorities until their attempts to turn his reputation to their advantage drove him in October 1990 to seek asylum in France. He has been awarded the first ever Man Booker International Prize.

The story, published in 1978, tells of Gjorg Berisha, a 26-year-old Albanian man living on the high plateau. He is forced to commit a murder under the laws of the Kanun. As a result of this killing, his own death is sealed; he is to be killed by a member of the opposing family. 

The nail polish is very pretty, but it needs three coats to display its true colours. Unfortunately I was too lazy to do that, as usual I applied only two coats. The polish is from Essence, from the discontinued Colour&Go line with the name Miss Universe.

Have a great day :)

sreda, 6. julij 2016

The gift

So what could be the perfect gift if you like make up, books and history? Book Facepaint by Lisa Eldridge could be one of them. 

I haven't read it yet, so I can't tell you about the content, all I can tell you now is that's really a pretty book :)

Thanks again to my sister for this birthday gift.

Have a great day :)