ponedeljek, 31. december 2018

My reading plan for 2019

The year that is coming is going to be different than any other year before, so I guess my reading plan that I have for every year will have to change. My reading plan so far has been to read at least 2 books a month, so 24 books in total in a year, although I always read more, but my minimum is set at 24. 

For the year 2019 I have a plan of one book a month, so 12 books in total. But since I have no idea how my life will change, I won’t' be disappointed if I don't reach this goal. And children’s' books count to, or not? 

In regard of my blog, I don't think I'd have time to update it, but hey, I don't think anyone will miss it, since it was more for me than anyone else, I think, I have a feeling that I’m talking to myself. 

So, the true plan for 2019 is to have a good year and manage the new and exciting things without stress and go with the flow. 

To everyone who reads here I wish a happy new year!

nedelja, 30. december 2018

China Glaze Ruby Pumps

If I would have to choose just one nail polish that perfectly describes Christmas and Christmas holidays, I would say Ruby Pumps by China Glaze.

 It is also the nail polish that I wear most frequently around Christmas and New Year. It has tiny red glitter in a red base. One coat leans more towards pink side, but with two coats it becomes the perfect sparky red.

 The application is ok, no problems with it whatsoever, here I applied it over the peel off base, because the removal can be a problem with all the glitter. I also put a top coat over for a shinier effect, without the top coat it becomes somehow dull.

 Just look at it, perfect Christmassy nail polish :)

 Have a great day and happy hollidays!

petek, 21. december 2018

What I'm reading + NOTD pt. 113

Indignation is a novel by Philip Roth, released on September 16, 2008. Set in America in 1951, the second year of the Korean War, Indignation is narrated by Marcus Messner, a Jewish college student from Newark, New Jersey, who describes his sophomore year at Winesburg College in Ohio. Marcus transfers to Winesburg from Robert Treat College in Newark to escape his father, a kosher butcher, who appears to have become consumed with fear about the dangers of adult life, the world, and the uncertainty that awaits his son. Whilst at college, Marcus must traverse an American world that isn't his own: facing off against ardent Christian, Dean Cauldwell, and falling in love with the beautiful Olivia Hutton. 

Nail polish is from Essence, with the name Midnight Charm. The colour is dark blue with silver shimmer. The polish is quite old, and a bit thick so the application wasn't the best, but still manageable. Oh, and I needed just one coat for full opacity, which is great. 

Have a great day!