About Me


My name is Nina and I'm from Slovenia, a small country in Europe. I think my love for books is as old as I am, my whole family likes to read and we are buying books as long as I remember. So is not that surprising that I like to read and that I love books. 

What is more surprising is my love for make up and beauty products, but it is here and it's undeniable. I always had some pieces of make up at home, but I never used it, except of mascara. I've gone throughout university with just concealer and mascara and increased the amount of used make up only on special occasions. I guess the problem was that I didn't know how to use it properly. Everything changed when I discovered youtube tutorials (aroud 2009-2010 I think) and then beauty blogs. The amount of my make up increased drastically, and here I am now :)

With this blog I hope to share with you my passions, my opinion of books I'm reading, my reading whislist, some make up bits, and maybe even some things that happen in between these two passions :) 

The blog is new, so I guess it will need a little bit of time to become what I want it to be, because I'm still learning, but here we are, so let's start :)

2 komentarja:

  1. Kakšen lep opis in všečen blog! Se mi dopade, kako si združla to strast do knjig in makeupa. super! :)
