torek, 12. september 2017

What I'm reading + NOTD pt. 72

Jorgen Hofmeester once had it all: a beautiful wife, a nice house with a garden in an upper-class neighbourhood in Amsterdam, a respectable job as an editor, two lovely daughters named Ibi and Tirza, and a large amount of money in a Swiss bank account. But during the preparations for Tirza's graduation party, we come to know what he has lost. His wife has left him; Ibi is starting a bed and breakfast in France, an idea which he opposed; the director of the publishing house has fired him; and his savings have vanished in the wake of 9/11. But Hofmeester still has Tirza, until she introduces him to her new boyfriend, Choukri--who bears a disturbing resemblance to Mohammed Atta--and they announce their plan to spend several months in Africa. 

Most of the story happens at Tirza's graduation party with Jorgen being the host. He is reminiscing about his past so we get to know him and his story. I guess the novel won't be up to everyone's taste. but I liked it. It seems that I like Dutch writers, I think  The Dinner by Herman Koch is still one of the best novels that I‘ve ever read.

The nail polish is from Essence, from a limited edition and it is a nail polish with a thermo effect. The name is My Sweet Escape. Essence had thermo polishes also in their regular line for a period, but not anymore. When it's hot the nail polish is a salmon colour, but when it's cold the polish becomes nude, mauve colour. The colour change it's not spectacular, but it's there.

Have a great day!

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