ponedeljek, 5. oktober 2015

So many books, so little time

My reading list keeps getting longer and longer. I never had a reading list, I simply went to the library and took what appealed to me. This has changed when I started working in a bookstore. How can you not be overwhelmed when you work in such a beautiful place with so many beautiful books. At least if you like to read. The urge to read all of the books that seemed interesting has never been stronger so I started making a reading list. In no particular order I present you my reading list.

Most of the books are in Slovenian language, but I will write also the title in english.

1) Sarah Cohen Scali: MAX


2) Liane Moriarty: MOŽEVA SKRIVNOST (The Husband's Secret)

3) Jana Šramkova: HRUŠKADOTTIR 

4) Julie Otsuka: BUDA NA PODSTREŠJU (The Buddha in the Attic)

5) R.J. Palacio: ČUDO (Wonder)

6) Paula Hawkins: THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN

7, 8, 9) Jo Nesbo: ODREŠENIK | SNEŽAK | LEOPARD (The Redeemer | The Snowman | The leopard)

10) Patrick Ness: SEDEM MINUT ČEZ POLNOČ (A Monster Calls)

11) Fiona Neill: THE GOOD GIRL 

12) Elizabeth Strout: THE BURGESS BOYS 

13) Ismail Kadare: ZLOMLJENI APRIL (Broken April)

14) Kurt Vonnegut: KLAVIRSKI AVTOMAT (Player Piano)

15) Neil Gaiman: AMERIŠKI BOGOVI (American Gods)

16) Anne Fausto-Sterling: BIOLOŠKI/DRUŽBENI SPOL (Sex/Gender: Biology in a Social Word)

17) Patrick Rothfuss: IME VETRA (The Name of the Wind)

18) Siobhan Dowd: ČISTI KRIK (A Swift Pure Cry)

19) Mandy Hager: DRAGI VINCENT (Dear Vincent)

20) Herman Koch: VEČERJA (The Dinner)

21) Robert Seethaler: VSE ŽIVLJENJE (A Whole Life)

22) Paolo Giordano: ČRNINA IN SREBRO (Il nero e l'argento

23) Margaret Atwood: ALIAS GRACE 

This is just the first part of my list. There are another 33 books on this list, but since I found them a little bit differently I will do a separate post on them. I also think this post is already long enough. As you can see, where there are english titles, I added a link that leads to the description of books. Now let's read :) But there are soooo many good books, and so little time :D

Is there a book that I mentioned, also on your reading list? 

Have a great day!

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