ponedeljek, 4. december 2017

What I'm reading + NOTD pt. 79

Arthur & George by Julian Barnes is a story of Arthur and George, who grow up worlds apart in late nineteenth-century Britain: Arthur in shabby-genteel Edinburgh, George in the vicarage of a small Staffordshire village. Arthur is to become one of the most famous men of his age, while George remains in hard-working obscurity. But as the new century begins, they are brought together by a sequence of events that made sensational headlines at the time as The Great Wyrley Outrages. 

If you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes (the books) then you will certainly know who Arthur Conan Doyle was. The story is based on true facts. Arthur Conan Doyle was not just a writer, he was also a fervent advocate of justice, among other things, and personally investigated two closed cases, which led to two men being exonerated of the crimes of which they were accused. 

The nail polish is from Essence, from their line Show your feet which I think doesn't exist anymore. It's a nail polish designed for the nails on the feet, because it claims to be also anti-bacterial, whatever that means, but it's true that it has different smell than other nail polishes I own. But if it's good for the feet, why not for hands, I don't think there is any difference. The name of the polish is In the jungle and it's a green creme. The application and the brush are ok.

Have a great day!

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