sreda, 13. januar 2016

Art therapy colouring book anti-stress

Look what I bought :) It's a colouring book for adults. I was eyeing them for quite some time now, but this one really caught my eye, so I bought it and on top of that it wasn't really expensive, it was 9,90 €, so it went with me.

I found this colouring book in an Italian bookstore and it is an Italian edition, but who cares, you just colour it, so even if you don't understand anything it doesn't matter. There are a lot of volumes of this edition, mine is Scandinavian design. Of all of the volumes that were in the bookstore I liked this one the most. But I see now there are some others that are interesting, like etnic designs, mosaics, Mayan designs, but weren't in the store. 

The publishing house that is responsible for the Italian edition is L'ippocampo and you can see the other colouring books (and mine) here

What I like about this colouring book is that is hardcover and is made in the way that when it folds, it folds all the way without the problem, so you don't damage the book when you colour.

Let's see how the colouring goes :)

And you, did you also jump on this bandwagon of adult colouring books?

Have a great day ;)

2 komentarja:

  1. Oh, zmeri gledam te pobarvanke in se mi zdijo tku super ideja. Mogoce pa se koncno odlocm in kupm eno :)

    1. Če boš hodila kej po italjanskih šoping centrih, zavij v kšno knjigarno, zaenkrat imajo malo večjo ponudbo kakor pri nas :) Mislim pa, da bodo kmalu tudi pri nas izdali malo več teh pobarvank.
